Xbox 360: now with H.264, MPEG-4, PlaysForSure

It looks like the newest Xbox360 update is going to bring some CODEC loving to the Media Center masses. You can expect MPEG-4, H.264, WMV and PlayForSure Audio streaming. As per the post below, it looks like this is for the Dashboard only. I guess I need to get a 360 to test this stuff out ;). Engadget Link: […]

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Streaming your Media Content Anywhere


    So I'm sure by now you've all heard of Slingbox, that neat little box that connects to your TV and then allows you to stream that content over the internet to any computer you're at. Well, while Slingbox may have been the first to get into the mainstream with this technology, it was far from being the pioneer […]

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My Choice in the Format War – One Year Later

HomeTheaterBlog joins in on the high definition DVD debate…well, he continues what he started a year ago, seeing how the landscape has changed and if his decision has been made. No surprise that it hasn't, but he does have some good facts about both that will help keep you in limbo as well. Home Theater Blog  It has however gone […]

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Online TV episodes eating into rerun revenue

I don't really buy this, I think the great shows will continue to be watched in every possible method. Think about how many reruns of Friends you still watch when they're on TBS?!?! The good shows will just always be watched, either via Itunes, VHS, DVD or reruns. Plus, this doesn't take into account how many NEW viewers are gained […]

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