State of The HD Disc Union

Brian M sent in this news article about where the major studios stand with the next gen DVD format and other tidbits relating to the format wars. A good read! DVDFile Not to be outdone, Toshiba initiated an instant rebate offer that reduced the prices for its players to a remarkably low level. The $100 rebate began on Sunday May […]

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Apple Safari 3 public beta preview

For those of you who are interested, check out Elite Bastard's preview of Safari 3 for Windows. A number of security holes have already been found, so be wary. Elite Bastards After as simple an installation process as you could hope for (although requests to install Apple's Bonjour networking capabilities may confuse many non-Mac owners), fire up the application and […]

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HBO to go HD on all 26 of their channels

More HD content is a ALWAYS a good thing in my books. Yes, I will take every bit of HD goodness I can get. Even Lavern and Shirly re-reruns. Can we expect your local cable co. to carry them all? I doubt it, but you should get a few chans. I submitted this on behalf of HD lovers everywhere. Engadget […]

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More News on the HD Format Wars

Brett sent in this news tidbit about HD DVD sales spiking because of recent price cuts. ARS The rebate incentive program is scheduled to end on June 16, which means that HD DVD player prices will rise back up to $399 in short order. While significantly cheaper than the launch prices of last year, that's still a pretty penny for […]

Read more – Community Edition

If you check out the upper right hand corner of this page, you will notice there is now a Submit News button. This marks the beginning of Community Edition. Starting today, all news, well at least most news, will be coming from users. YAY! This will allow Mike and myself to focus on providing original content for the […]

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First Look: Cyberlink Live Beta


Those of you familiar with might remember my Guide to Streaming Media article I wrote a while back, comparing Orb, Webguide and SageTV Placeshifter. Well, apparantly the folks over at Cyberlink saw it as well and decided that they could have something to offer and have named it CyberlinkLive. So let's see how their early betas can compare with […]

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Getting Connected


Paramount to any new house is getting basic connectivity up and running through out the house. This typically involves a few calls to the utility companies and a wireless router hook up and you are good to go. This takes care of phone, cable and Internet. The three staples of happy family living. I decided to take a slightly different […]

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AMD Dual Core CPU Review

As I noted in my getting started blog, one of my tasks was to upgrade my production machine (AKA gaming and mr.coma activity machine) to my first dual core CPU. Fortunately, my socket 939 system afforded me an upgrade path to dual core for pretty darn cheap. The system in question was my old HTPC and consisted of a Socket […]

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