The Daily Button – December 17, 2007

Earlier last week I complained about how 2007 was a bust in the Media Center world and 2008 continues to be the same. Here are a few of my predictions of things that will and will not happen. Will – Microsoft releases a WHS version of MCE and Softsled’esque support for client PCs. I think it make sense and Microsoft […]

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The Daily Button – December 18th, 2007

Alan is off taking a much needed respite from his daily news desk duties…  In other news, today’s Daily Button will be spell checked.  😉 It seems today is the day for High-Def DVD type news, so buckle in. Home Theater News: CE Pro High Impact Products 2007 @ CEPro Home Theater News: The High-Tech Trends of 2008 @ Electronic […]

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XPS 420 First Impressions


As I mentioned in my earlier blog, "Drinking The Kool-Aid" I went ahead and purchased the Dell XPS 420 with Dual CableCard option. I still feel a little dirty doing so, but in order to maintain the WAF, you sometimes have to do what you have to do. My configured system, as follows, is mostly the default system with a […]

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SageMC: Bringing Sexy Back?


I almost hate to call SageMC a plugin or skin as it is coded from the ground up in studio :). Starting off as a glint in mlbdude’s eye, the torch has been carried by Flachbar and Meinmaui (Dirk and Mike). The original goal of SageMC was to provide a look and feel similar to MCE and provide some needed […]

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