Introducing Andres

Hello MissingRemote readers.  I just recently answered the call to help out the team here and as a new contributor to the site I wanted to introduce myself before I started posting. My name is Andres and I am an HTPC addict.  I have been playing with HTPC’s for a few years and finally took the plunge at the beginning […]

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Zune/360 To Get Married At Last

Lets face it, the whole love triangle between the Zune, 360 & Media Center has been iffy at best. No torrid love scenes, no kinky hook ups, just the very basics. Well it looks like the Zune & 360 are going to be k-i-s-s-i-n-g and pushy a baby carriage while Media Center gets left out in the cold. Gizmodo has […]

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SageMC 6.3.8


Form and function.. You only need two things to bring a superstar HTPC application to the table. It certainly sounds easy. IN theory it should be, but there isn’t one application that meets these two criteria. SageMC was born to bring much need form to the function that SageTV brought to the table. MeInMaui and Flachbar have released a new […]

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