10 things you need to know about HDMI 1.4

We heard rumors of this new 1.4 specification to cause massive headaches all around. I see a lot of nice features here but nothing that makes me think the integration with HTPC’s is going to be any less of a disaster. Luckily these aren’t scheduled until mid-2010, so maybe by then we’ll finally have a rock solid 1.3 solution to […]

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How to import HD movies into Windows Media Center


Playing high definition movies within Media Center is tricky, and becomes even trickier if you are an extender user. Even if you get it working, then you lose certain things like fast forward and rewind. Luckily Ben makes use of some available free tools for Media Center, DVRMS Toolbox (from our friend Babgvant) and Yammm (from Mikinho) to almost automate […]

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Casa Tools Multi-Zone Audio with Media Center


One of the longest ongoing threads over at TheGreenButton has been with the desire from users to have Multi-Zone audio through their media center. There has never been a supported way in Media Center to do this, but Casatunes has been out for a while and has offered a solution. From the looks of this review, it definitely takes some […]

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Beamforming at home – Wireless Blu-ray Bliss?


Matt found this handy link over from Tom’s Hardware, where the user is attempting to achieve reliable wireless streaming of high definition blu-ray content in their house. Unfortunately the equipment they found is pretty hard to come by, but the good news is that results were quite positive. Tom’s Hardware Fortunately, the Thecus network storage unit includes a separate LAN […]

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