UniFi OS – Network Video Recorders 2.3.10 / UniFi Protect 1.20.2

This UIOS update is a solid release for the UNVR, but there’s also a critical update that should be applied for all UI Protect users.
Read moreThis UIOS update is a solid release for the UNVR, but there’s also a critical update that should be applied for all UI Protect users.
Read moreThe current end-user VPN types on the Ubiquiti UDM/UDM-Pro aren’t awesome. IPsec works, but there are issues. Big enough issues that Android 12 users can’t leverage it anymore. Personally, I switched over to WireGuard a while back, but I would much rather that it was natively supported on the UDM/UDM-Pro instead of having to wrestle with yet-another-Linux VM in my […]
Read moreAfter a long BETA cycle Ubiquiti has released the 1.11.0 firmware update for the UDM & UDM-Pro. It includes a lot of feature improvements, some really important, and a slew of bug fixes. It also includes a critical update to Unifi Network, and was supposed to support a new feature that I’ve been really looking forward to using on my […]
Read moreI’m probably behind the curve on this one, but I recently discovered that battery replacers exist. This is awesome, especially this time of year when my wife adds all sorts of AA/AAA powered annoyances, er… flashing holiday lights, around the house and forgets to turn them off when it’s time to go to sleep. This doesn’t solve the energy waste […]
Read moreHaving given up on the Zooz ZEN25 ever getting fixed, I went in search of a cheap alternative that wouldn’t cause Z-Wave network instability. Found an answer in these cheap Zigbee switches that are sold under many different brand names including CMARS, eWeLink, and Seedan.
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