New Amsterdam – NBC Resuscitates a Dying Genre

I knew nothing about New Amsterdam until I watched the trailer. However, I was begging for more by the time it was over. Could this be the new House? Might this be the medical drama to immediately hook viewers and get them clamoring for more? Maybe…
Airing Tuesdays at 10pm Eastern, with the first episode currently available on their website, NBC says New Amsterdam is:
Inspired by the oldest public hospital in America, this unique medical drama follows the brilliant and charming Dr. Max Goodwin, the institution’s newest medical director, who sets out to tear up the bureaucracy and provide exceptional care.
In actuality, this is a terrible description. Truth be told, NBC has a much lengthier synopsis, but even that does not breathe enough life into the underpinnings of this medical drama.
While the trailer is nearly three minutes long, it does not come close to disclosing the entire story arc of the first episode. Watch it here:
Doctor Max Goodwin comes to life within the first five minutes. His character is invigorating and sarcastically funny, yet serious. Yes, NBC has resuscitated a potentially dying genre of medical dramas with our new doctor.
Additionally, the good doctor (no relation) apparently has his foil in the intelligent, quick-witted, and headstrong Doctor Helen Sharpe. These two look to be in pre-op, ready to tangle in the O.R., should the need arise. Then again, they just might come to an understanding.
Similarly, the remaining cast are equally engaging and already developed enough to have the viewer hungry for more.
While other shows may separate drama, comedy, and emotion via centrifuge, New Amsterdam instead put them into a blender to produce this entertaining spectacle. At no point are we bogged down with boring scenes; each one is important, emotional, and captivating. Disparate stories of varying patients, doctors, and outsiders provide more than adequate ways to toy with our emotions.
The appeal of House was that medical professionals and patients alike wanted to work with or be diagnosed by him. In that regard, it is safe to say that Doctor Goodwin is in good company. Both doctors and nurses likely would love to work for someone with such a cavalier attitude, intent on turning the medical field upside down for the benefit of all.
Count me among the patients checking in each week to see what our healthcare system is doing wrong.