Hands on with the GlideTV Navigator


Dave got his hands on the new GlideTV HTPC controller which was all the rage last week, and for good reason. It’s a pretty innovative concept, but coming in at $150 is tough to swallow, especially given the other controller options that are out there (the similarly priced Dinovo Mini is pretty darned good alread). I’d love to give it a whirl though!


Secondly, after seeing the initial GlideTV press imagery, I was a bit skeptical of another two-handed remote. I want to efficiently control my devices without looking down, which is why I’ve never been a fan of tablet style touch screen solutions. But after a few days of use, I’m (partially) operating the GlideTV Navigator with one hand. And strangely, considering I’m right-handed, I’ve been using the remote in my left hand. It does require a certain amount of precision (and hopefully a 10′ UI with large buttons), but I’ve been trained well as a Call of Duty sniper.