Blu-ray Releases – June 21, 2011

After a few good weeks we’re back to some tougher pickings. I had very high expectations for Liam Neeson in Unknown and was extremely disappointed–not to say the movie is bad, but it’s pretty similar to some of his recent films which were better. Speaking of disappointment, Cedar Rapids, featuring Ed Helms (from THe Office and Hangover) stars in this film and it just falls flat in my opinion. Not sure how long ago it was made, but I really wanted to like it but couldn’t. Lastly, The Ghost In The Shell series is pretty popular anime if that’s your type of thing.

MissingRemote’s Pick of the Week


I’m not the biggest Matt Damon fan (Emily Blunt, I do like :-P) but they both do a pretty solid job in the new Adjustment Bureau film. The plot is somewhat odd, where Matt Damon’s life has been planned out by Angels (?) and they don’t want him to be with Emily Blunt’s character. He basically has to choose if he wants to become President of the US or stay with her. It’s somewhat predictable but the movie keeps a good pace and stays pretty entertaining throughout.

Note:  Warner Brothers, Universal and Fox titles which  have the 30-day Netflix/Redbox rental window imposed on them are noted with **  next to the title.

  • With a name like Stonehenge

    With a name like Stonehenge Apocalypse, how can it not be the greatest movie ever?