Roku Moving in to the UK and Canada

Roku’s looking for some new stomping grounds and they’ve got their eye on Canada and the UK. To be honest, I’m surprised it has taken Roku this long to move into Canada. Given the relationship that Roku has generally enjoyed with Netflix, I would have assumed that Roku would be quicker to follow Netflix’s expansion into new territories. Roku is not only planning on introducing their line of media streamers to some new regions in 2012, but they’re even planning on offering region-specific channels. Hopefully some of those channels end up with unofficial counterparts for the rest of us.
Roku announced today that they intend on bringing Roku boxes to the U.K. and Canada in 2012. In tandem with this announcement, Roku also plans on supporting region specific channels as they continue to expand. Plus, with Netflix having recently expanded to Canada and Latin America, potential Roku consumers will now have access to Netflix’s vast library.