MythTV Updated to Version 0.26

MythTV has received an update, bringing the venerable FOSS media center program up to version 026. This latest version comes only six month after the release of version 0.25. Given that I am fairly certain the dinosaurs came and went in time between versions 0.24 and 0.25, version 0.26 had a relatively short development cycle, which might be part of the reason the MythTV team is describing this as a modest release. Along with the usual raft of bug fixes and performance improvements, there are a number of notable new features including support for HTTP Live Streaming playback and recording and the addition of recording rule templates for folks interested in customizing their rules for scheduled recordings. One major change in version 0.26 is the conversion of internal times to UTC. This is a change that has major impact on the MythTV database and it might be worthwhile checking out the release notes for details about the potential pitfalls and for more details about the value of performing a manual backup of the database before upgrading.
Notable changes include:
- HTTP Live Streaming playback and recording
- Conversion of internal times to UTC allowing smoother transitions around daylight savings changes
- Several performance improvements to the UI
- A greater number of translations (nine) are 100% complete for this release with a few more very near to completion. This number should grow by the time of the 0.26.1 point release.
- The usual bug fixes and incremental improvements