Pocket Lint Reviews LG 950V / EF9500 4K OLED HDTV

Every review I’ve seen for one of LG’s OLED HDTVs has the review drooling all over the panel (and TBF, every LG OLED I’ve seen in person has elicited the same response from me). If you have the dosh, and the space for one of these large panel displays, it would be hard to do better – this year.
For many serious AV fans – the sort of people who still own or sigh wistfully over the loss of Pioneer or Panasonic plasma TVs – OLED technology has long looked like the answer to their post-plasma TV prayers. The LG 950V (or LG EF9500 as it’s known in the US) is the company’s first affordable(ish) flat 4K OLED panel, following-up the already excellent curved 960V from earlier this year.