Turn an IR Remote into a RF Remote

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    Like many of you I use an XBOX 360 to extend Vista MCE to my HDTV in the living room. It also feeds my main stereo system and my outdoor speaker system. The wife and I will often put on some music and sit out on the patio.  Problem is, when we want to skip/pause/adjust volume/etc, one of us has to get up walk into the living room to make the change. Additionally, we wanted to tuck the XBOX away so that it was hidden in our component cabinet.

    While searching on the internet for an RF solution to this problem, I came across the following product, that  I can only describe as pure genius.

    The company is Next Generation Home Products (http://www.nextgenerationhomeproducts.com), and the product is the Remote Control Extender.

    So what does it do?  It takes ANY IR remote that takes AA or AAA batteries, and converts it to an RF remote.

    It does this by putting a RF Transmitter in your battery compartment.  The Transmitter slips into a AAA sleeve and that in turn slips into a AA sleeve if your remote uses AA batteries (as is the case with the XBOX 360 remote.)

    You then hide the RF Receiver, run an eye transmitter from it to the front of your XBox and… you are done. 

    The kit comes with 2 RF transmitters so that one is always charging in the RF Receiver base station while the other is in use.

    The product sells for only $50, and if you want a 3-eye emmiter that is an additonal $16.

    All in all, a really inexpensive solution that just works.

    Pictures attached.

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