[url=http://www.missingremote.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1579&Itemid=153&limit=1&limitstart=9]Original Article Link[/url]
[quote]There’s no way to map the buttons on the screen within a certain device’s functions, which is especially annoying on a device like the Xbox360 when there are so many buttons.[/quote]
Unless something changed on the 890, this is possible to do. My 880 has the ability to program any device’s functions into any of the activities I’m in. In fact, my Pioneer receiver had 12 pages of functions on the screen, which I quickly dropped down to 10 by removing less frequently used functions. I also moved the more frequently used functions to the first page for the device.
As an example of the former, when I’m watching TV via my Tivo (DirecTV receiver), I have buttons programmed in that activity which allow me to fade the LED panel on the receiver, change my surround mode (also on the receiver), as well as change the aspect ratio on the TV, without leaving the “Watch TV” activity.
Other than that, a very good review. No… you weren’t biased at all!!! ;D