[url=http://www.missingremote.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2332&Itemid=1&limit=1&limitstart=4]Original Article Link[/url] i’m not sure
here is the thing as i look at this review and info i read about the tf5 these cases show potential
it’s not hard to see that they look great and quality is not a problem
availabilty is and to compound that both cases use parts that are limited in supply
the tf5 requires shopping for a slot dvd and power supply, the 8 needs low profile cards.
not impossible but it would make a single stop buy less likely
Omaura would help it cause if it managed to get some more retailers to carry them and perhaps even better if they could support some kind of parts that work database
still would not mind having one of there cases in full view, right there in my living room