[url=http://www.missingremote.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2618&Itemid=1&mosmsg=Item%20successfully%20saved.]Original Article Link[/url]
I see one inaccuracy right off the bat. The author refers to DTS-HD as lossless. DTS-HD encompasses two different codecs: one is lossy but higher bitrate then normal DTS (DTS-HD High Resoluion) and one is indeed losslessly compressed (DTS-HD Master Audio).
It completely ignores the high resolution varients on the standard DD/DTS that are available. As noted it isn’t specific enough in the terms used for “DTS-HD.” There is DTS-HD HR which is an advanced, but lossy codec, and then there is the counterpart in Dolby’s portfolio: Dolby Digital Plus.