Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition

Home Forums Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition


Per household I can understand, not individually.

With 2 CETON tuners, 5 petabyte servers, and a dozen clients you only record a few hours of TV a week?

I record a lot more than a few hours but mostly for my wife and kids. 

I honestly rarely use the HTPC.  I know I am a geek but I would rather spend a few hours writing code or tinkering with hardware than watching TV or a movie.

I wish I had your motivation to write code. I was briefly interested in writing for Android prior to getting my phone and then every idea I had was already done.

Then last week I installed everything to write code with lightswitch but there are so many bugs in using it I am going to wait until a RC comes out.