Building out a whole home solution with WHS

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    Hi all,

    EDIT:  I just noticed this is VERY similar to the setup Landshark has.  So most of it is pointless, only question left is:

    Will a DualCore Atom 330 with 2GBs handle the serving and recording?

    I’m going to start building out my whole home media serving and automation system and before I went purchasing anything I thought I’d get some feedback.

    Step 1: get WHS up and running with DVD library served to x360.
    Requirements for WHS.
    [*]mControl for Home Automation
    [*]TVServer, SageTV, or similar to record content from 2 HD-PVRs and/or an HDHomeRun
    [*]serve as the primary file store of dvd, blue-ray rips, music, video, pictures, etc for a number of extenders (xbox 360, XBMC or Win7MC client)[/list:u]

    Step 2:  through HD-PVRs or HDHomeRun use WHS to record and serve recorded TV. (comskip is a bonus but not a must).

    So my question to you all is, will an Atom 330 with 2GB of RAM be enough to handle this?
    Is that a better solution based on power consumption than a AMD 5050e running on some other chipset (The G45 chipset is pretty power hungry from what I hear)?
    Is 4GB of RAM going to be needed for mControl or The server Media Apps?

    Also any ideas on how big a PSU I’d need for that many drives in the future?

    Things I’ve already speced out:
    [*]2 to start expandable to 10 [url=][/url]
    [*]1 5SA bay [url=][/url]
    [*]and a not super huge good value case with decent cooling to stick in my closet. [url=][/url][/list:u]

    Thanks in advance for any responses. 

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