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    If you aren’t looking for a closed design and aren’t worried about the look, why not get a set of supra-aural headphone instead of earbuds?  You’ll probably get a better bang for your buck in sound quality and you won’t have to worry about the tips being uncomfortable in (or falling out of) your ears.

    Just for a frame of reference, I use 5 different sets of headphone/earphones on a regular basis, depending on where I am.

    Work: JVC RX700 -> HUGE but comfortable for hours, closed for sound deadning

    Work2: Koss KSC75 -> Use for quiet days at the office.  Brighter sound.

    Home: Sennheiser HD238 -> Hooked into my HTPC for TV viewing after the rest of the family is asleep.

    Home 2: etymotic HF5 -> Yard work and study time listening.

    Out: MEElctronics M9p -> Decent sound and has a mic for making calls.


    All of these except the HF5s can be purchased for <$40 and each has it’s own sound and useful listening enviroment.