Yeah I was looking at the

Home Forums Yeah I was looking at the


    Yeah I was looking at the Drobo site last night. It sounds like they have come a long way. I know originally people complained about how slow they were, but it is definitely something to consider. The more I read about WHS2011 the more I may rule it out. It seems to have so many backup limitations that it probably wouldn’t work for my house due to the 2tb limits. I have an older computer which I may try to install wHS2011 on it this weekend to see how it works.

    Foolish me also assumed my WHS was maxed out. I was in the console so I figured I would double check only to find I still had 2 old 300gb drives in my pool. I ordered one of the Hitachi 2TB 5k3000s on sale from Newegg this morning to upgrade one and after I confirm I am not having problems with compatability, which I have had in the past with random drives dropping out, I plan to upgrade the second one. This of course will only be a temporary band-aid.