swoon wrote: For your sub

Home Forums swoon wrote: For your sub



    For your sub output, do you have your speakers set to small? Small should force the low frequencies to the sub.


    Thanks for the idea. I tried that and it didn’t help, even though my speakers are more “over-sized bookshelf” than “small.”  I even tried switching the listening modes to “5-channel stereo” etc. and nothing will cause it to take a 2-channel stream and make it a 2.1, fronts to the speaker terminals and sub to the RCA sub output.  I think that amp is just too ancient to do all the things we just expect to work.

    I ended up just hooking the front speakers up to the sub right along with the fronts and that fixed the problem.  Sub now does the crossover analysis and things sound pretty good (for a garage).

    Now we are officially “off topic”…