Quick Look at Standout Designs Haven 72″ TV Stand

Over the holidays, my wife and I purchased our first home and one of the first things that we realized was that we would need a new tv stand because of the awkward location that our tv would be in. For quite a while, I have had my eye on Standout Designs. I just never had the exuse I needed to buy one of their stands until now.
Yes – I know. I’m horrible at lighting a shot taken with my iPhone. I couldn’t figure out how to get a good picture with light coming in behind the tv. I told you it was an awkward place to put it.
Over the holidays we ordered their free wood samples and found one that was the perfect match for our other furniture. Then it was a couple of week wait for the stand to arrive.
Which it did. On a giant truck. I was very happy to have splurged on the lift gate shipping option. The tv stand is heavy. Very, very, heavy. This is why you hire movers kind of heavy. Helping lift it off a 55′ trailer would have been a bit much. If you have stairs, you will definitely want the white glove option.
Unpacking went smoothly. Everything was in great shape. Here’s a picture of the stand from the back.
You can see the nice large fans. They spin extremely slowly so that you can’t hear them and do a nice job of venting heat from the stand. There’s a temperture sensor built in so that you can have them auto on/off or just switch them to on/off all the time.
In our space, we actually move furntiure between two configurations. The “People Might Come By” setup, and the “We Both Want To Lounge On a Giant Couch” setup. The dog also prefers Giant Counch mode. So sometimes we have the stand angled against the wall and less prominently displayed in the room, while at other times we pull it out so that it’s square in front of our Movie Lounger on a Saturday night. These wheels make it all possible.
Or, if you want to look it into place, you can drop the feet to keep it from being moved. But even on wheels just bumping it won’t move it. It does take a deliberate push to get it moving.
Next it was time to wire everything up. Here you can see one of the back panels removed. This slot is my main side-to-side cable run.
There are many wire management holes and runs inside the stand so that you can minimize the mess of cables. I only have two cables that run from the stand to the wall at this time, 1 power, 1 cablet TV. And out the top I run 2 speaker cables to the bookshelf speakers, HDMI/Power to the TV, and the Wii sensor cable. All-in-all it’s a very clean look, which we needed since the back would be exposed to view at times.
Photo Coming Soon!
This wasn’t really meant to be a real review as all my other tv stands to compare to aren’t remotely in the same price point/quality of construction range. But a sharing of a purchase that we have been very happy with. My prior points of comparison are an Ikea corner stand made from soft wood that slowly crumbled under the weight of my gear, but at least it had space and breathing room for the equipment. Later, we had a Crate and Barrel tv stand which had the most useless storage ever. Everything was closed in too tight, no wire management, and my equipment didn’t fit unless I left the back cover off – and even then, the slanted design of the stand prevented it from being pulled away from the wall to get some air flow. That’s for sale on Craigslist if anyone is interested 😀
With the Standout Designs Haven TV Stand, I feel as if we have finally found a home for my AV gear that will last, look beautiful, be flexible in configuration, and support stuff I don’t even own yet – like a much bigger tv, nice giant center speaker, and a dedicated amplifier!
Customer service was also excellent when I called Standout Designs on the phone. If you want to save a little money, I would wait for a holiday (even the minor ones) and cross your fingers for a sale. A few times a year you can easily save $100-250 depending on make & model you desire. If anyone want pictures of a specific feature or has any questions I’m happy to help answer them.
Nice! I’ve been eyeing one of
Nice! I’ve been eyeing one of these for forever.
Very nice. Â It reminds me a
Very nice. It reminds me a lot of my now 7 year old BDI holding up my 50″ Panasonic plasma. We will never regret spending as much on the cabinet as on the TV since it still looks as good as the day we got it. The integration of the fans into the back is a really nice addition to get some air moving. That piece looks like it will outlive several TVs.
wow, that’s a gorgeous stand!
wow, that’s a gorgeous stand! and looks like it would weigh a ton lol
Its about time TV Stand
Its about time TV Stand designers started adding those features! Wheels and fans should be a staple of every media center console.
And $2k later we have a good
And $2k later we have a good tv stand. What is coming to this world?
It is nice to see that SageTV
It is nice to see that SageTV still rules, but you should try one of the other UIs.
You now need to buy a bigger TV as your TV looks way too small on that stand!
It is nice to see that SageTV
That’s for this month’s blogpost! Hopefully up shortly
I just checked
I just checked out standoutdesigns.com and I like the Majestic console more since it doesn’t have doors on the components you’re going to be accessing most but is closed off in the middle.
I purchased a Standout
I purchased a Standout Designs cabinet about four years ago. I wanted a piece of furniture that arrived fully assembled, made out of hardwood (no MDF), deep enough to accomadate todays deep receivers and most important a good sized center channel loudspeaker. I looked and looked but could not find an equal cabinet for similar cash. One of my coworkers was so impressed that he bought the same 72″ cabinet but with one of the deluxe wood finishes and it looks like a million. Keep up the good work Standout Designs!