I recommend that you start

Home Forums I recommend that you start

Aaron Ledger

    I recommend that you start out as simply and minimally as possible. It sounds as if you may have a wiring, load or noise issue on the circuit. Perhaps some of the following will help you resolve or isolate the issue:

    1. Replace the power strip with a different one.

    2. Bypass the receiver and plug HTPC directly into display. In fact, remove everything from the power strip except for the HTPC and display. Unplug any coaxial cablesand anything else except for HDMI cable, power and any required peripherals. If problem goes away, begin pluging things back in one at a time and try to correlate the problem with what you’ve added in.

    3. Plug the display into a completely different outlet that is on a different circuit.

    4. Try to determine if the problem is coincident with any big appliances in operation such as AC, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.