Just thought I’d add to the

Home Forums Just thought I’d add to the


    Just thought I’d add to the HDMI-Detective party here.  I finally got tired of fighting incorrect resolution/black screen/glitching audio when turning my TV on/off while the HTPC is on (when listening to music, I generally turn the plasma off, both to save power and to save the TV)… broke down and ordered an HDMI-Detective-Plus from Amazon.  The thing works great.

    Next step will be to reprogram the Harmony remote to not shut down WMC when turning off (and no GreenButton at startup) and just leave WMC running at all times (and have it start with Windows), as I think the HDMI Detective will take care of the wake from sleep issues with WMC as well…

    I hated to spend the extra $90 on something which you would think would “just work” but there you go…  sometimes things don’t work like they are supposed to.