Thanks for the advice.   I’ll

Home Forums Thanks for the advice.   I’ll


    Thanks for the advice.   I’ll look for the coupons.  Currently, PDVD11 and WinDVD pro 11 are both about $80.  

    If the price remains the same, would you recommend one over the other with regards to being stable at playing Blu-ray movies.   Stability is big for me.  

    I was really on the fence about dropping money into a BR ROM drive for my HTPC since I’ve read so many people complain about stability with Blu-ray movies.   Especially since you can buy a decent player for about the same price as a drive + SW.  But like many others here, we’re always on the look out for easy integration and HTPC utopia.

    I’ll try out the 3 SW’s for 90 days and hope the price comes down on one.  $50 or less would be nice.

    Thanks again for the info.  Laughing