Re: looking for video card with best HDMI picture

Home Forums Re: looking for video card with best HDMI picture


A 4XXX card should be state of the art in terms of picture quality.  The adapter will not have any impact on picture quality since DVI and HDMI are actually the same apart from audio support, but the adapter may prevent you from running HDMI audio through it.  Official ATI DVI-HDMI adaptors will support audio over the DVI port.

If you aren’t getting a good picture, there are other problems.  You should check your overscan in the drivers to make sure you are displaying a 1:1 pixel mapping.  Searching for PC overscan ATI will get you some info on how that works.

You should also enable the smooth video setting in the ATI drivers and that will make sure you don’t drop frames because your video card can’t do all the post processing you’ve set in the drivers. 

Check the sharping and noise reduction settings in the ATI drivers.  I prefer those off but some people like them.  Don’t have them turned all the way up.

Then, you need to check the settings on your TV.  Make sure your TV isn’t scaling the picture to create overscan.  There are normally settings called picture size that adjust how much the TV will overscan your content.

Make sure the noise reduction, mpeg noise reduction, black and white balance settings, etc are all turned off or set to their low settings.  Check out AVSforum for specific instructions on what settings your TV should have enabled.  The community there tends to post their picture settings for each TV on the market.