I am sorry if I was being to

Home Forums I am sorry if I was being to


    I am sorry if I was being to simple in my explanation.  You have to send a carraige return after every command so power on would send like this in Telnet:


    It works the same via RS-232 which is what I was saying. In the custom remote world we have been sending RS-232 commands to CE gear for years and we are very happy they have opened that control up to their IP port.

    In their mobile OS apps besides control I believe that if he was streaming Pandora through the Denon he would get album art and meta-data for the song.  So if he is sitting outside hanging with some friends and a song came on they did not know they can see what it is and either skip it or like it.  Pretty cool, RTI has full support for that functionality so I am pretty sure their app does too.
