Lawmakers propose reversal of Net radio fee increases

As the title says, Lawmakers have proposed a bill to reverse the over the top royalty fee increases that were to be imposed on Internet radio. Outlined in the article is the bill itself which comes up with a good alternative to keep internet radio in business. "You can't put an economic chokehold on this emerging force of democracy," […]

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Mitsubishi WD-65831 65″ DLP Rear Projection TV

We have been a little short on display news as of late, so I got off my butt and found a nice review of Mitsubishi's WD-65831 DLP. DLP is still king for size versus cost, however, if you are sensitive to the rainbow artificats of DLPs, look elsewhere. Over DVI0I connection it can acccept 1080p with 60/30/and24hz. This makes an […]

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Oppo DV-981HD Upconverting DVD Player

A quality DVD player does not mean you have to pay a bundle for it. Oppo has come out with a line of great upconverting DVD players. Not only is the upconverting top notch in this player, it can also handle a ton of different CODECS including DivX, WMA, DVD-A and a few others. You can check out our review […]

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CableCARD: What You Need to Know

There is definately a love hate relationship going on with CableCard. We love the fact it will bring us integrated Digital PVR loving to HTPC and TIVOs but we hate it because of the DRM, and the control the cable cos have over it. As always, EH has a great article/primer up about CableCards. Electronic House Next to arrive, perhaps […]

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New Case Coming To Town


Is it me or has the HTPC case industry hit a bit of a stale streak in the last while? Well, it looks like things are about to change. Omaura, a name you will soon come to know more about, has granted me a sneak peak at one of their first cases that will hit the market. Along with the […]

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SageTV Plugin : Google Calendar for SageMC

I go away for a few days, and Flachbar/MeInMaui have released a Google Calender Plugin for SageMC. Of course, that begs the question if they are going to do it for the standard STV? Good work guys, SageMC is just about its own program :). SageTV Here is the fruit of another joint effort between flachbar (Dirk) and myself. This […]

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30 Tips for Choosing Speakers

Who knew 30 tips even existed for speaker buying? Apparently their is and EH has them all for you. My advice? Audtion Audition Audition :). Head on over to EH for a few more qualified tips. Electronic House 25. Contrary to popular belief, most speakers don't "blow" because they are overpowered. Rather, they can be damaged because they don't receive […]

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Mini-State Of The Website Address

First off, I wanted to thank the team in doing a great job in my absence. Articles are still going up, news still gets posted, forums still are being handled. Give them a round of applause :). Second off, I wanted to let you all know that we have some great things coming down the pipe. MR will get […]

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