Epson rolls out $999 EF-100 series Laser Projectors with Android TV

$1000 for a 2000 lumen projector isn’t bad, especially when it comes with Android TV; which will cover all the OTT/streaming providers. But, with a native resolution of 1280×800, don’t expect super crisp PQ from the 150″ max projection. Epson Redefines the Big-Screen Streaming Experience with a Smart Streaming Laser Projector with Android TV With 3-Chip Laser Projection Technology and […]

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WTF Sonos

I get that companies want to sell existing customers new kit, and it totally makes sense to create an incentive for them to do that. Greasing the wheels a bit to make it easier – not everyone wants to deal with Craigslist or Ebay – also makes sense. But if it’s true that Sonos is intentionally bricking working speakers via […]

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SVS Launches 2000 Pro Series Subwoofer

If you looked lustfully at the SVS 3000 (or 4000) series, but knew deep down that there was no way in H E DOUBLE TOOTHPICKS, your partner was going to approve the PO. This new SVS 2000 smaller footprint in the room, and your wallet, might be just the thing to shake things up in whatever room you watch TV, […]

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Arctic Liquid Freezer II 240

This could have easily been titled “AMD Wrath Prism is so bad I had to replace it”, but let’s keep a positive spin on things ;). All in, there’s a lot to like about this liquid cooling solution. It’s priced right, quiet, reduced idle power consumption, and made the PC faster. What’s not to like?

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There aren’t many Micro-ATX X570 motherboards to choose from, so when I decided it was time for a new workstation, I opted for the one with an Intel network adapter. This turned out to be a mistake, as the network card has terrible SMB performance with my file server. ASROCK’s poor support experience tops off the experience, making the TLDR […]

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UniFi AP BeaconHD Announced

Not sure what’s up with all the product announcements lately, but this is a good one if you have a Unifi system, need better wireless coverage, and can’t run more Cat. Yep, this is Ubiquiti’s Unifi $129 dedicated mesh product (Amplifi is the a mesh/mesh product), but the more interesting thing about this product announcement (at least to me) is […]

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