You’re not wrong, but “doomed” is overblown…

I totally agree with Jonathan Gitlin that we need better DCFC charging infrastructure. But, I can’t help but see some holes in the whole “EVs are doomed…” thing. First, and most glaring, is actually something that Jonathan says out loud. No, the problem is whether or not any of the chargers will be working when you arrive. (Unless you’re driving […]

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ICE OEMs are dropping the ball on EV conquests

This is kind of off topic for what we usually cover here, apologies, but it’s something that I’ve been thinking about recently (mostly because it’s been relevant). Although, if you think about cars as gadgets, and most new cars are really computers that happen to take you places, maybe it’s not so far into the weeds :)… For OEMs, especially […]

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Ubiquiti UniFi OS – Dream Machines 1.12.22

I have been running the 1.12.x BETA releases on my UDM-Pro for quite a while. Mostly because of [relatively minor] stability issues with the 1.11.x release. Crossing my fingers that UI has fixed it, but not holding my breath :). That said, 1.12.22 is looking really solid. With a massive list of improvements, and finally some [mostly] functional traffic rules. […]

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Home Assistant + Unifi + Sun Power Solar Energy Integration

The massive amount of user provided integrations to various 3rd party providers available to Home Assistant is one of the best things about the platform. This is a quick walkthrough of how I used hass-sunpower ( via HACs to pull electricity consumption & production values into Home Assistant so I could see it in the Energy dashboard.

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Then There Were Two

I hadn’t made the time to write this post, mostly because I wasn’t quite sure how to explain how weird it was to go from EV-curious to a two EV household in four months… Some of that weirdness is perfectly encapsulated in the research article linked below, which has helped to frame the things I wanted to say out loud. […]

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