nMedia MCESKB RF Keyboard


  nMedia MCESKB RF Keyboard A HTPC is unique in many ways from a typical desktop PC and the keyboard requirements are no exception to this rule.  Read on to see how well this keyboard/trackball performs in this environment.   INTRODUCTION nMedia has been in business since 2004 creating cases and accessories for the HTPC enthusiast.  Their philosophy and vision […]

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939 HSF To AM2 Socket Adapter


    While purchasing parts for my latest MythTV frontend client, I ran into a dilemma.  I wanted to take advantage of the upgrade path that an AMD socket AM2 system would provide, but I also really liked the performance of my tried and true Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu heat sink fan.  Unfortunately, this fan is not directly compatible with the AM2 socket.  […]

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Antec P180


    In my quest to find the perfect media server tower case, I had a rather simple list of requirements.  It needed to have plenty of space for expansion, keep everything cool even when it is fully loaded, be whisper quiet, and look good while doing it.  Read on to see if my journey is finally over.   Build Quality […]

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Building A Media Server


    After the initial flurry of activity surrounding your first Home Theater PC (HTPC) project subsides and your significant other is thoroughly addicted to its convenience, it's time to think about phase 2 of the operation.  No, I'm not talking about "Phased Redeployment", but rather about building a media server.  This is a device which will centrally store all media […]

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SiliconDust HDHomeRun


INTRODUCTION     So, you would like to add a dual OTA/QAM capable HD tuner to your HTPC setup, but you are out of card slots?  Perhaps, you would just like the flexibility of a network attached tuner?  SiliconDust Engineering recently heard your pleas for help and today we are going to review their solution.  Read on to find out how […]

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Happy Turkey Dreams


For those of our readers in the US who have yet to pass out due to turkey-itus, Happy Thanksgiving!  We thank you for your participation and helping to grow our community.  So kick back and relax.  You deserve a day off.  For our non-US readers….  get back to work and post in the forums!   Just kidding.  We appreciate our […]

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Home Theater Power Protection

Recently, we had a user ask about the effectiveness of AC power conditioners in regards to their HT experience.  Are they "all that" or are they just the latest mumbo-jumbo fad to try and extract cash from your wallet?  Here's where I put on my day job hat (Electrical Engineer/Hardware Designer) and comment.  The opportunity for smoke and mirror marketing […]

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