Top 10 time-shifted programs of 2006

Pretty scary to see American Idol dominate the top 2 positions here, in fact, reality TV has the Top 3 marks. I guess people haven't heard about Lost, Prison Break or Nip/Tuck. And where's Thursday Night Football?!??! Surely limiting availability of NFL Network to 50 people would put that on top, no?!?! AMERICAN IDOL-TUESDAY FOX 17.7 AMERICAN IDOL-WEDNESDAY FOX 17.2 […]

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BBC moves to file-sharing sites

While not entirely home theater related, the idea of a television network reaching this type of agreement is fantastic. But it's no surprise to me, as the UK in general has quite a large audience for their shows around the world, and this is just another means for them to expand their reach. Bravo for not fearing technology! The new […]

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Official(?) Windows Vista MCE Remotes


It appears we've finally got some official information regarding Vista MCE Remotes! But as you'll see below….they brought back the ugly!! 😛 But luckily the further you go down it gets better. Maybe they just *want* people to upgrade to more expensive Sideshow ones like Interlink's which just look soooo nice.     Check out the rest of the Windows […]

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Hands On With HAVA

Finally someone got their hands on the HAVA we've heard about since early this year. Bottom line, it's not bad, but it's the first revision so it has some kinks. But hey, at least it's got some potential. (And at least it's not vaporware) First seen at CES last January, the HAVA place shifting device began shipping in August. Initially […]

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Put the Theater Back in HDTV

ExtremeTech goes high level on setting yourself up with a home theater. Pretty good if you're new to this whole thing, as they even cover some of the more common acronyms. Of course, if you're in the process of setting up a home theater, you better come brag about it in our forums! Before we dive in, we should stress […]

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PSB Alpha Speaker Reviews


These speakers come in at less than $2000. So….I guess that's considered, a little less affordable? Anyhow, HomeTheaterHiFi actually do a fairly brief review by their standards, but at least it gets you an overview if you're in the market for some speaker. PSB has succeeded in providing an excellent 5.1 system at a great price point. The speakers all […]

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SVS SBS-01 Home Theater Speaker System


I love that "affordable" means over $1000 these days 😛 But nonetheless, these are pretty decent. Just don't tell my ex that, or she'll think the $300 all-in-one set she got was just plain cheap Though unassuming, the SVS SBS-01 home theater speaker system offers great sonic performance for the money. The sats deliver smooth, unfatiguing sound that will warm […]

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On Demand and on DVD at the Same Time

This is quite a move by Comcast that will probably be very successful. In the future, I don't see what's stopping them from directly competing with Netflix/Blockbuster & just allow you to view whatever movie you want…maybe older movies for unlimited usage for a flat fee, and new movies at a premium. Only time will tell. Curious to see how […]

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