With all the holiday gift purchase guides out there we felt we would do something a tad different. We have gone through all our MissingRemote staffers and have asked them each for what is tops on their holiday wish list. The results were interesting…hope you enjoy! Feel free to add your own items to the list and don’t forget to tell us if Santa brought what you asked for!
For: Babgvant (Andrew)
Item: Panasonic TC-P65V10 Plasma Television
Why: When
Panasonic announced the V10 series at last year’s CES we all knew it
was something special. Of course we didn’t know the whole story until
the HDGuru® gave it the once over; sporting better contrast and black detail than the
Kuro (only losing out when representing the deepest of blacks), a 96Hz
24p mode, and all of it at 1/2 the price of the old King. I hope to
find a 54" or 58" under next to the tree
this holiday, but if I were a dreamer it would be the 65".
The King is dead. Long live the King!
For: CrAzY
What: Logitech Harmony 1100 Advanced Universal Remote
Why: I’m sure you could program this thing
to make you popcorn! With a 3.5” full color touch screen that is fully
customizable to control all of your devices! Add a RF Extender (sold separately),
you can stash all of your other remotes and reduce the clutter on your coffee
table, plus it looks pretty sweet!
For: David Norman
What: All-in-One PC Wind Top AE222
Why: I want to use the AE222 in my kitchen to schedual 7MC recordings
via a HDhomerun, play music with out turning on the projector in the
livingroom and in the future use either homeseer or mControl’s Media
Center plugins for home automation. I would also use it to watch
recorded TV stored on my WHS, specifically FoodTV channels via ATI
Digital Tuner. This All-in-One has a discrete GPU, C2D CPU and
capacative touch screen, all which combine to equal a nice HD capable
For: Skirge01
What: Universal Remote MX-880
My dream gift from Santa would be a Universal Remote, model MX-880.
This is one of those high-end remotes the pros use. While I love my
Logitech 880 and my recently purchased 890, they’re scum compared to
this baby. The layout is fantastic and the buttons are unique, so you
can do everything by touch. The Pièce de résistance is the MSC-400,
though. This brings it all home via RS-232 control of your devices.
No more IR blasters to stick on and hope they stay; this is a simple
serial connection to ensure things happen as expected. Whereas a
Harmony remote tries to keep things in sync and will guess what might
be wrong, the MSC-400 actually verifies each piece of equipment’s state
first and reacts accordingly. Santa? You’re
listening, right? Don’t mess this up! It’s an MX-880 plus MSC-400. I
need them both or they’re useless. A compass in the stock would be
great, but not
For: Mike Garcen
What: Oppo BDP-83 Blu-ray Player
Why: At exactly $500, the Oppo Blu-ray Player is arguably the highest quality and performance for Blu-ray playback on the market, and is also one of the more affordable. You can keep your Denon’s and other reference players, just hand me one of these that can play not only Blu-rays but everything under the sun as well, and I’ll be a happy camper.
For: Tim
What: SIM2 C3X Lumis Host Projector
Why: Ah, if money was no object… The SIM2 C3X LUMIS HOST projector is alittle something that I would like to have in my basement-made-home theater. With a sleek design and great performance, I think that I can
give this little projector a good home. With its 1080p goodness, high
brightness, and quiet operation offer a very pleasurable viewing experience on the huge screen. This little baby would be on all day, everyday for all of my multimedia viewing (TV, movies, video games). A 2000 hour bulb replacement would be worth it here. Now if only it only cost about 10% of what it does…
For: Dan
What: Paradigm Signature Series Speakers – 7.1
Why: Santa would definitely have to bring this one. Looking great and sounding great is no problem for the Paradigm Signature series of speakers. I’m pretty sure there’s no room in my apartment for a 7.1 set of these speakers, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t try. But with no kids yet I could run them with their speaker grilles off 🙂 I would definitely have to ask Santa for a darker colored wood finish than seen in the picture to the right though, maybe cherry, or mahogany…..