Missing Remote @CES2014

We try to Tweet cool things as we find them, and don’t always have time to do a full write up immediately. For those of you who don’t use Twitter I’ve embedded the stream below.
We try to Tweet cool things as we find them, and don’t always have time to do a full write up immediately. For those of you who don’t use Twitter I’ve embedded the stream below.
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Great coverage
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Great coverage from the floor of CES 2014 gents.
Night Rider wrote:
[quote=Night Rider]
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Great coverage from the floor of CES 2014 gents.
Agreed. I’m really excited about the 6 tuner HDHR. I can’t believe that it’s going to be $150, but we’ll see. Also really interested in the home automation and home security stuff as I’m considering a control4 system. Thanks for the great updates.
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Thanks for the
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Thanks for the feedback we were trying to tweet as much as we could.
I hope some of you get to
I hope some of you get to play around with the new model of Oculus Rift there. I had the Dev Kit for a while and it blew myself and everyone I knew away. Everything I’ve been reading on CES and the new proto-type, it sounds like they fixed all of my issues with 1st model. Probably the one toy I’m really looking forward to coming to market in a consumer version.
Very interested in seeing
Very interested in seeing HDHomerun Prime new version with H264
I have an article I am
I have an article I am working on for that right now, it will be coming out very soon too
Techbutton wrote:
I have an
I have an article I am working on for that right now, it will be coming out very soon too
Looking foward to it!
That’s fantastic…
That’s fantastic…
Any updates on the tweet
Any updates on the tweet about plex and silicon dust? Or was that some kind of typo?
No updates. We tweeted what
No updates. We tweeted what we found out, they wouldn’t discuss it further. Just going to have to wait and see what happens.
thanks for the reply. I look
thanks for the reply. I look forward to whatever it is 🙂
We tried really hard to get
We tried really hard to get more information, but PLEX said that isn’t something they are talking about yet, maybe if we had them in a closed room and not on the showfloor maybe we could have got something. We have some contacts we will send some emails and see if we can get an early announcement when they do want to talk about it.