Missing Remote @CES2015 – Twitter Coverage

Missing Remote CES Twitter Coverage

We try to Tweet cool things as we find them, and don’t always have time to do a full write up immediately. For those of you who don’t use Twitter we’ve embedded the stream below. If you do have Twitter you can follow @TechButton(Kyle Button), @babgvant(Andrew Van Til), @MikeGarcen(Mike Garcen), or @JohnMcMahon_(John McMahon) and we will be the guys on […]

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The HTPC and why it’s worth the effort

The HTPC (home theater PC) is a great idea and one that is truly close to my heart. Many of you who regularly visit Missing Remote know what an HTPC is. For those that don’t, it is basically an entertainment center powered by a computer. Some have TV and DVR capabilities and some people choose not to have those capabilities […]

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Aereo’s Flaw was Hubris


The recent SCOTUS ruling making the service Aereo provides illegal was disappointing, but not surprising given the stakes. I was discussing this with a friend who pointed out that “The micro-antennas didn’t fool anyone, it’s the same as cable tv”. Which makes an incredibly valid point because it draws focus to what is the real problem with Aereo — hubris. […]

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Questioning the Badge

This year at CES instead of the traditional badges with a barcode, we got fancy NFC enabled ones. I did some playing with it at the show, but didn’t really have the time to look to see what was actually encoded on it. With a better set of tools, and a bit more time, curiosity got the best of me […]

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SageTV: Past, Present, and Still Future?

Over two years ago SageTV announced that it was acquired by Google 6-18-2011 at 4:57pm to be exact. Initially I didn’t know what to make of it. Look, I love Google, Android and many of their products, so I was partly excited when I heard. Perhaps SageTV can now support CableCard and will have the financial viability to compete with […]

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Reintroduction: Wait, you have what!?!

Virtual Environment

While I’m reintroducing myself to a digital home, allow myself to introduce… myself. I can trace the tech in me back to my childhood – I now understand why my parents gave me Legos, Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, Shape-O Toy, and Rubik’s Cube (I guess it could have been worse, and I’m thankful, at least my parents loved me enough to […]

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My Reintroduction to a Digital Home

I’ve spent the past few years under a (digital) rock with limited space and opportunity to develop, create and maintain a digital home ecosystem. I’ve focused more on my trade than my entertainment, and now it shows as I’m reintroducing myself to the ideas and concepts of a digital home. Many of you don’t know me, so here’s a brief […]

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As a recent [quasi-]immigrant to the UK I’ve enjoyed learning the differences between American and British culture. Sometimes these gaps are obvious, making it possible to clearly discern where American expectations are inconsistent with the norms of this society and other times more subtle where our shared language doesn’t equate to a shared lexicon (e.g. pants vs. trousers). In most […]

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An Experience with HDMI Handshake Issues

If you have an HTPC, many of you may have experienced a problem with no picture or sound with your Home Theater setup connected through an HDMI cable at one time or another. This article is to cover some of the nuances that can come with them along with possible solutions as well as open up a discussion for better […]

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