Personalized room based home automation is tricky business. Not everyone wants to install RFID readers in the doorways, or carry around the cards :). Roomme takes on this problem by using a $69 smoke alarm sized BTLE sensors attached the ceiling in each room that senses when your mobile phone enters the room to trigger a scene. The approach is […]

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We have a love/hate relationship with our robot vacuums. Our Roomba mostly works OK (apart from the persistent beaching events), but the Neato is affectionately* named “Help Me” because of how much intervention is required to actually get it to complete a run. Some of this comes down to the underwhelming intelligence in the device, and some of it is, […]

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COSMO Smart Bike Light @ CES 2019

Smart bicycle safety products are becoming more common, and I think it’s great. I especially like that the COSMO bike light provides several features that are fantastic for safety oriented road cyclists while allowing you to supply your own helmet. Aside from the obvious tail light, it also acts as a brake light, and turn indicator (via handle bar mounted […]

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The BTLE/Wi-Fi (via hub installed within BTLE range) enabled LOCKLY deadbolt is one of the fuller featured smart locks I’ve run across. Naturally it has the keycode entry method, but not only do the numbers move for extra security, it also sports a fingerprint reader. Oh, and a physical key – if you’re into that sort of thing. It also […]

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AVEiNE @ CES 2019

I’ve never been good with patience. Or getting the timing right around when I open a bottle of wine. So it’s quite common that we pull out the aerator at serving time. Not being aware that the the humble aerator had been smartened, our’s is still stuck in the pre-technology era. Fortunately, while wandering Eureka Park at CES 2019 I […]

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SAFE @ CES 2019

Home security monitoring can be an expensive monthly fee for many people. Where it provides value, that’s probably worth it for the peace of mind, and knowledge that if something were to happen emergency services would be notified. Not everyone wants this, can afford it, or even if they do – live in a neighborhood where emergency services can be […]

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Hubitat @ CES 2019

I’m not a fan of unnecessary Cloud dependencies in home automation tech. So when I started chatting with Hubitat about their home automation controller (HAC), and we started getting into the details I was thrilled to find out that their model is almost entirely Cloud free. Naturally there is a bit to handle connection brokering from locations outside the LAN […]

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WiSA @ CES 2019

WiSA is neat tech. So I always make a point to put them on the list of groups to meet with at CES. There wasn’t much new this year; the chips still top out at a Dolby Atmos unfriendly channel count. Although as a “better” alternative to a soundbar (i.e good in a good/better/best) for the vast majority of consumers […]

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Onelink @ CES 2019

Last year, I was really impressed with First Alert Onelink‘s Alexa/Google Home enabled smoke/CO detectors. This year, even more so with their plans to release a Wi-Fi mesh model. Details were a bit sparse on the floor, but I was promised more information in “early 2019”. Such an amazing idea, that should solve wireless connectivity in most any modern home. […]

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Home Assistant purchase has huge potential.

home-assistant logo

So in my search lately for better and more controlled home automation, I have tried many platforms. One of them is Home Assistant. Upon reading on a page of Konnected (awesome alarm conversion stuff if you haven’t looked), I came across the fact that Home Assistant is owned by Ubiquiti Networks and really is getting some push beyond it. I […]

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