When you have $ to burn, it’s easy to have confidence

Even though I am dumbfounded by Samsung’s continued attempts to make Bixby a thing, I have to admire their confidence in the attempt. After all, the value proposition provided by Google and Apple’s robot slave, er… um… AI assistant, is obvious to me. They have all my data (depending on ecosystem adherence) already, travel with me, and provide something besides […]

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SiliconDust adds Encrypted CableCARD support to Android apps

SiliconDust teased about this yesterday, and it has finally come! Yes, today is the day that support for encrypted (CopyOnce) CableCARD premium channels comes to the Android ecosystem (excluding FireTV devices). This means you can finally watch the whole lineup on your NVIDIA Shield, smart TVs running Android TV (e.g. Sony), or Android smart phone/tablet. Huzzah! We don’t have cable […]

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Dolby Vision support coming to Xbox One

A while back we posted about the Change.org petition to bring Dolby Vision to the Xbox One platform. Happily there has been some movement on this front, with support for the HDR format added for the Netflix app coming in the most recent Insider update. While it’s not the thing I want exactly (Dolby Vision support for UltraHD Blu-ray playback), […]

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ARC (audio return channel) is a really neat feature of modern HDMI displays, but it is very limited in what can be delivered. Here, David Meyer explains a little about the boundaries and why DD+ and Atmos can work, but don’t always. I was recently discussing with Australian integrator @Hemant Daya​ the use of HDMI ARC to deliver Dolby® Atmos sound […]

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RHA Releases Entry Level Bluetooth Wireless MA390 IPX4 Headphone

RHA has announced an addition to its impressive collection of headsets with the £60/€70/$70 entry level MA390 ABC/AAC/aptX compatible Bluetooth wireless headphone. The MA390 is available for pre-order today from Amazon, and comes with a three year warranty, IPX4 water resistance, and eight hours of battery life. THE NEW RHA MA390 WIRELESS HEADPHONE   Packed with premium features, the MA390 […]

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