ASUS Launches Blue Cave 802.11AC AC2600 Wi-Fi router

Beyond the doesn’t look like a Wi-Fi router visage, the most interesting thing about the ASUS Blue Cave 802.11AC AC2600 Wi-Fi router is that it’s the first Intel Home Wi-Fi Chipset (what a product name :)) based networking kit that I’ve run across. Given the 4×4 1733Mbps + 800Mbps specifications, it has to be using the WAV524. SoC considerations aside, […]

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CES 2018 – abode itoa all-in-one security camera home automation controller

I wasn’t familiar with abode’s iota security system, home automation controller (HAC), and camera system before meeting them at CES. Overall the system looks quite approachable, and is obviously more intended for users who prioritize ease of installation and user experience (UX) over flexibility. I don’t mean that as a negative, per se. Just something that would need to be […]

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CES 2018 – Nightingale smart home sleep system

As a light sleeper the Nightingale smart home sleep system is very appealing to me, even at its $149/$249 price point. For the price you get “smarts” not found in a traditional white noise machine, like schedules and Amazon Alexa/IFTTT support. IFTTT support is particularly interesting from a home automation perspective because it means that you can tie the Nightingale […]

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CES 2018 – Phrame smart license plate frame

Being completely honest, I’m not sure how I feel about the Phrame smart license plate frame. By replacing the rear license plate frame with it, you can keep a spare key (or fob) on the car opened by a combination or your smartphone. It has other features like temperature and location reporting, but the primary use case is just that. […]

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CES 2018 – HiberSense connected climate control system

Smart vent systems are a tricky thing to get right. Too little modulation and they aren’t terribly useful, too much and you risk breaking the HVAC. HiberSense connected climate control system claims to strike the right balance. Energy efficient comfort control that is also sensitive to the lifespan of your furnace and air conditioner. HiberSense works by replacing the vents […]

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CES 2018 – Cone of Silence PrivacyShield sound blocker for smart speakers (i.e. Amazon Echo & Google Home)

For my family, smart speakers like the Amazon Echo or Google Home are an essential part of how we interact with the home automation (HA) system, intercom between rooms, and casually listen to music. The privacy implications of this aren’t that concerning for us as I don’t think we’re interesting enough for Amazon, Google, the NSA, or really anyone else […]

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Moving to the modern era

Welcome to the new Missing Remote website. It has been a long time coming, with quite a bit of work to do still left. Hopefully we’ve covered all the important things, but it’s quite likely that there are gaps. If you find one, please let us know; either in the comments below or via another mechanism. One important thing to […]

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CES 2018: Coros OMNI smart cycling helmet

I would love to be able to listen to music while cycling, but I don’t think it’s safe to wear headphones. There are too many potential hazards out on the road to have that level of sonic isolation. This is one of the use cases that the Coros OMNI “Smart Cycling Helmet” addresses.   The OMNI addresses this via bone […]

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