At that point it was not a

Home Forums At that point it was not a


    At that point it was not a administrator command prompt.  I ran it again.  Still did not process, but I do see a processed_list.log and completed.log on my root drive.  They are empty but the update when the batch is run.  Thus I think we are closer.

    Trying to dissect this the first error could be a syntax thing. The batch file text is below.  Note the first command in bold and then compare to what it replied back when run.  All  I did to this line was to change the extension from *.DVR-MS to *.wtv.

    Batch file

     @echo off

    set recfolder=D:Recorded TV
    set logfolder=C:

    echo %DATE% %TIME% Starting commercials scan
    call :processed_list
    for %%f in (“%recfolder%*.wtv”) do (call :scan_comms “%%f”)
    if not exist “%logfolder%completed.txt” goto :end
    type “%logfolder%completed.txt”
    del /q “%logfolder%completed.txt”
    call :processed_list
    goto :end

    find /I %1 “%logfolder%processed_list.log” >nul
    if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto :eof
    “C:Program Files (x86)DVRMSToolboxDVRMStoMPEG.exe” /if=%1 /of=%1 /act=nativecommdetect >nul
    echo Completed: %~dpnx1>>”%logfolder%completed.txt”
    goto :eof

    echo PROCESSED FILE LIST>”%logfolder%processed_list.log”
    echo %DATE% %TIME%>>”%logfolder%processed_list.log”
    for %%f in (“D:Recorded TV*.xml”) do (echo>>”%logfolder%processed_list.log”)
    goto :eof

    echo %DATE% %TIME% Finished commercials scan
    goto :eof

