farscapesg1 wrote:Sorry if I
[quote=farscapesg1]Sorry if I didn’t make the customizing options for SageTV clear. I was just saying that it was possible. I didn’t realize that they had brought additinal options to Media Center now. SageTV still requires you to install the Plugins for those features (HA is possible with various plugins, but not familiar enough with it to say which ones).[/quote]
Understandable, most of the “customizations” I run are third party plugins for tools for HA and whole home audio. Don’t really run much beyond that.
but yes you can’t really “customize” media center to the extent layout, nested folders for recorded tv or things of that nature.
[quote]Does DVRMSToolbox handle automatic commercial detection and skipping as the files are being recorded, or do you have to wait until it finishes recording for it to be processed?[/quote]
Yes it does. DVRMStoolbox + Show Analyzer does real time life detection and skipping.
All I really want is something that allows me to watch anything I record on any TV or device that I own, as well as the media collection I have built up.[/quote]
TV part is easy with extenders, even copy protected stuff plays on extenders. It is when you try and offload the content (when copy protected like HBO shows) when you can’t watch them, but yes extenders playback copy protected content.
The media collection is a little bit tough, but still doable. Extenders play back M2TS files natively now, and i’ve been using a PS3 tool, MKV2VOB to convert my MKV’s to M2TS which works really slick and doesn’t re-encode, just re-containers the video files.