flips wrote:What is the
What is the adavantage of using a server grad NIC? Your LAN traffic doesn’t go through the router, right? so your only perfomance boost would be to the internet. Would you really notice a performance difference on a 6 mbit internet connection?
The advantage is with stability. On many *BSD and *nix platforms lower grade NICs are not very well supported or developed. For instance, 3-4 years ago I had an older firewall running m0n0wall and switching from an on-board Realtek to a dedicated Intel PCI-E NIC (workstation grade, you can find them for $29 on Newegg) increased my speed test by 4 Mbps and lead to a much more stable connection.
If you can find a good price on an Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port get it, that cards rock. My router, Motorola 6120, has a gigabit port and with Comcast rolling out their 5010 (and 10050 in some markets) plan I don’t want my hardware to be the limiting factor 🙂