Hi Guys, I am trying to do

Home Forums Hi Guys, I am trying to do


    Hi Guys,

    I am trying to do something simple.  I have a full Dolby 5.1 surround system with AV receiver.  The problem with that is I am trying to make it so everything is run via the original Windows Media Center remote control.  This is for me and the wife factor.  All I want to do is turn on the TV and the remote would control volume of the external TV speakers.  No turning on a separate amp.  Just a clean, lean install.

    For simplicity I would be OK with L,C,R and a sub.  Just don’t want to get in to the hassle of wiring back speakers as I may be moving soon. 

    I want to use my TV’s digital audio out coax connector as it offers dolby digital output.  I have considered computer speakers as the have their own amp.  I have also considered a device I saw a while back, but can’t find it anymore.  It was a simple amp only box for windows media center.  I think it would allow me to connect my existing speakers to it and it to my TV.

    I am always looking for what is not built.