I thought one of the big

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    I thought one of the big reasons for 4k was that currently 3d displays get the 1080 p resoultion cut in half so going to 4k would bring the resolution back up to around 1080P.


    From about.com

    Also, 3D TVs and Video Projectors currently in use that employ the Passive Polarized Glassesmethod of viewing, resolution of the resultant 3D image is cut to 540p (960×540 pixels) for each eye, which is 1/2 1080p resolution. In comparison, the same TV displays a 2D image in 1080p resolution.

    However, by employing a 4K resolution panel or screen, 3D images viewed via Passive Polarized Glasses can be displayed with 1080p (1920×1080) resolution for each eye. The additional bonus is that when viewing 2D images on the same TV, the viewer will see a full 4K resolution image.