I’m running a 60gb Vertex2

Home Forums I’m running a 60gb Vertex2


    I’m running a 60gb Vertex2 too.  Adding that in was a night and day difference with my day-to-day operations.

    I feel so out of the loop on chipsets these days.  Used to keep track of everything and read articles on upcoming products like my life depended on it.  Now I barely pay attention to it.  While looking up the z68, I came across this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Intel-Z68-Chipset-to-Launch-on-May-8-194075.shtml  Seems that the Quick Sync only works if you’ve got an H67 chipset (even with the lucidlogix workaround).  I was narrowing down between two P67 motherboards to order later today.  Now I think I’m going to have to dig around and look into the z68 when it comes out in a few weeks (Thanks, you just saved me $150 on what would’ve been a semi-gimped motherboard in the long run).