jeam wrote:Then things got

Home Forums jeam wrote:Then things got



    Then things got “interesting” again. I honed in on a particular current program and selected it to watch. Instead of getting a show, we got a “tuner conflict” error message claiming that all four tuners were in use. Yell Huh? This was impossible — we were neither watching anything at all, nor recording anything. What’s more, the Ceton Diagnostic tool informed us that only two of the four tuners were actually tuned to any channel. It was also having problems with the CableCARD “entitlement,” the last step in that part of the diagnostics.


    This is fairly common when running Live TV setup on an already configured CableCARD tuner.  As you found a reboot fixes.


    After pondering our next move, we decided to shut down the PC completely (not “restart”) and reboot. Launched WMC and got the usual “no tuner” message which we have learned to deal with by unplugging the CableCARD, waiting 20 seconds, plugging back in, and switching to another channel.


    Next time, don’t pull the CableCARD, this shouldn’t be needed–ever.  When starting up the tuner may not be available for ~30 seconds – 2 minutes.