Just another data point: I
August 25, 2011 at 10:55 pm
Just another data point: I playback all my shows from a NAS drive and seldom have any playback pauses or problems. Remember a HD WTV recording from Comcast is only 14.2Mbps (roughly 2MB/s) which is obviously within the capabilities of any HD/controller combo made in the last 10 years.
One thing you might want to check for is what other system activity is going on at the same time? Are you running Showanalyzer or DVRMSToolbox utilities in the background? I found this killed my network playback when DVRMS started moving the WTV file from my SSD back to my NAS, so I scheduled things so it only runs during non-watching hours.
Can you run Resource Monitor from an RDP session while watching a show and see if anything pops?