Michael, During a search for

Home Forums Michael, During a search for



    During a search for trying to schedule showanalyzer to run (basically force it to run, because the directory watch is not working properly), I found this article and another one (http://www.missingremote.com/forums/how-do-i-schedule-showanalyzer-process-directory)

    I looked at your code for the attached file. I have some basic Batch file experience but for things I do now, I try to use Powershell. Do you know what the Powershell equivalent would be to your batch file?

    What I want to do is tack on the forcing of showanalyzer to scan a program after I copy the WTV file over to my server. I don’t really want to hijack this tread so I will start another one with my full setup and current quandaries. http://www.missingremote.com/forums/wtv-file-renaming-moving-and-comm-skipping

