Mike Garcen wrote: do they

Home Forums Mike Garcen wrote: do they


    [quote=Mike Garcen]

    do they have their own 10′ interface? I always thought it was just a website, but i’ll admit i haven’t checked them out in a while


    Hi Mike,

    Did more experimentation.  Clicker does work with a remote, but I see some problems.  The remote switches columns on the display, but on my screen I cannot see which column is highlighted.  So it appears it was really still designed for a mouse and keyboard, but works with a remote by luck.  Next problem is when you go to watch a show it links out to the network site and your remote does not control the media viewer playing the program. 

    As I recall I tried the Clicker plug in for Boxee and it did work OK.  However it did not get all the same content.