mikinho wrote: btw, Take a

Home Forums mikinho wrote: btw, Take a



    btw, Take a look at http://www.brickwall.com/ground-current.html.  It discusses some potential data line surges caused by surge protectors.



    Thanks guys.

    Got coax grounding and surge.

    Electrical grounding covered. (my dad was an electrical contractor and I worked for him when I was a kid.) I did all the electrical for gear and rack myself. House is 5 years old, so should be good.

    I’m all about constant voltage. Maybe the equipment is better now, but back in the day I saw low/high voltage spikes do terrible things to equipment of all kinds. So I just don’t take a chance. My UPS does a bit of voltage regulation and I have a whole house surge protector.  

    Yeah, the switch at the top of the rack was a bad (lazy) idea. All to the procurve. Time to order more cables. I cut all cables for the rack to length last time out. Learned that lesson.

    All cables, connectors, patch panel cat6.

