PAPutzback wrote: That’s

Home Forums PAPutzback wrote: That’s



    That’s awesome. I would have thought the high humdity could damage a TV. 


    That was definately a concern of mine!  Mrs. Sheen likes her water HOT!  She really steams up the place.  We’re in Arizona though.  No humidity here so this is about the only time of year “steaming up the place” is an issue.  I don’t know how this would work in the more humid areas of the country.  I’ve been watching closely and so far I haven’t had any condensation on the TV at all, even when the tile, windows, and shower door are all covered with water.

    Even if it cuts the life of this TV somewhat, it was only $200, so replacing it a little more often isn’t a hugh drawback.  (although, I really don’t think it has any switches or contacts that might oxidize more quickly with the humidity…)  We’ll see what happens down the road…